Thursday, March 08, 2007

Getting to church

Even for the most devout, the temptation to sleep in on Sunday's is often hard to overcome. Before If you don't have the option of an evening service, I found this great column thanks to the folks at The Evangelical Outpost. Here's "How to attend service 52 weeks in a row."

1 comment:

Donecia Pea said...

Oh my gosh, I soooo relate! I mean, even though I'm a pastor's kid and have been going to church practically every Sunday for as long as I can remember, it's STILL a struggle just about each and every Sunday.

I know from personal experience that the tip "Getting involved in your church" really helps to keep me going. This was such a great post and link, Diane. I think I'm going to print out the linked blog and give it to my church members!