Monday, May 07, 2007

Vacation musings

It's good to be home. My weeklong vacation started in Las Vegas and took us on a driving tour through California up to San Francisco. Going from Vegas where the scenery looks like this:

to Death Valley where everything looks more like this:

was quite the shift physically, mentally and emotionally. Vegas is all glitz and glamour and surface level excitement and fun. But the desert makes you think. It looks barren and desolate and almost simple on the surface. Underneath, however, it's constantly moving and changing and evolving.

Being there made it easy to see realize why Jesus and many of the other prophets went into the desert when they wanted to be closer to God. The only way to survive there is by the grace of God.

Hopefully, my time communing with nature will give me the strength to deal with the baggage claim people at the airlines...

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